Be Not Ashamed

Be Not Ashamed

I'm currently sitting at the airport waiting to return home from a business trip. The company I work for is based out of Philadelphia, with the rest of my team here or spread out across the eastern states. During my first trip out here my colleagues found out I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and began asking me more about it. The first question was "what's the name of that guy who founded your church again?" As my colleague was trying to recall the name, I quickly responded "Jesus Christ." We smiled at each other as I knew the answer he was looking for was Joseph Smith, but I wanted to give him the answer I believe to be true. From that response, more questions came and I was able to share my beliefs about the restoration of the gospel and how as members of the church we believe God has called modern prophets just as he has in every era of the world, with Christ inspiring and directing them. 

I find no greater joy in life than when I'm testifying of Christ and his gospel, but that has not always been the case. As a teenager and even at times as an adult, I have been hesitant to share my beliefs with others. Whether it was quickly glossing over an answer or avoiding a discussion entirely, I think the hesitancy was rooted in fear of not fitting in with everyone else, or in teenager terms, not being "cool."  In a sense, I was ashamed - reluctant to share in fear of potential embarrassment or humiliation. 

For anyone who may have these same fears, let me share a scripture that has helped me a lot. "In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness." (Psalms 31:1) I have found that as I pray to God and ask him for opportunities to share my beliefs and assist in his work, he puts me in positions that allow for that to happen naturally. As I have taken those opportunities, my confidence has grown to a point where I happily welcome any opportunity to share my testimony with others.

Choose to Believe 

I love the October 215 general conference address by Elder Holland, Be Not Afraid, Only Believe. In the address, he says "I wish I could help everyone to understand this one simple fact: we believe in God because of things we know with our heart and mind, not because of things we do not know." The choice to believe is not always easy, it takes work and often requires a great amount of patience. I can't tell you enough about all the questions I would ask God if given the chance to chat with him face to face. I believe they will be answered in the right time, but I choose to stick with what I know in my heart and mind for now, and that is enough. I choose to believe, largely because I know how much God believes in me. 

Elder Holland sums it up perfectly, "When we choose to believe, exercise faith unto repentance, and follow our Savior, Jesus Christ, we open our spiritual eyes to splendors we can scarcely imagine. Thus our belief and faith will grow stronger, and we will see even more." Choosing to believe empowers us to reject being ashamed. Reject the fear of being "different" or being judged by our peers, colleagues, friends, or even family members. Choosing to believe opens the windows of heaven and fills our lives with light and peace. 

Just as David in the Psalm, let us pray to the Lord to deliver us to righteousness. Whether that be deliverance from being ashamed or delivering us to the opportunities to share our thoughts and beliefs with others. I know doing so will flood our lives with the light of Christ, and that such light is the source of peace and joy. 

- HM

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